Friday, October 30, 2020

Tommy Thompson Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea

Tommy Thompson Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea

Tommy Thompson screwed his investors out of the $12.7 million dollars they put up in the mid-1980s to fund his expedition to locate the S.S. Central America. Once he found the ship and salvaged the gold, his troubles started to mount from a slew of lawsuits from insurance companies claiming rights to some or all of the gold. It turns out international marine salvage law is as complicated as Chinese arithmetic.

The gold then consumed his life, his marriage, and then convinced him to go on the lamb until being captured by US Marshals.

What a price to pay for greed! There was PLENTY of money for everyone! He was such an IDIOT.

CLICK or TAP HERE to read Gary's fascinating book of how Tommy found the S.S. Central America and how he drank from the poison chalice of fame and money. How much money?

The S.S. Central America had 21 tons of gold in its hull.  At today's price (October 29, 2020 of $1,870 per ounce) that's $1,256,640,000. That's $1.2 BILLION dollars.

Can you imagine being so greedy that you couldn't split the hundreds of millions of dollars with the investors that believed in you?

CLICK or TAP HERE to read about his capture.


The post Tommy Thompson Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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