Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 13, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

You! I knew it. I knew you were a new subscriber! Welcome! Have you ever been the new person at a club or business meeting? I’m sure you remember how the leader of the event immediately introduces you to all the regulars. Smile! The spotlight is on you. (Plentiful applause)

That said, you might have received so many of these newsletters that you distinctly remember when I raved about the MUST HAVE Coast G10 flashlight.
Coast G10 LED Flashlight in hand

I know people who have this exact flashlight on their nightstand. It comes in handy when trying to locate a mouth-watering dark-chocolate pecande or missing things in the dark.

This little beauty makes the PERFECT Christmas Stocking Stuffer. HURRY and order a few of them now. CLICK or TAP HERE.

December NH Loch Eye Candy

I love getting up early. I feel that morning is the best part of the day. My wife is the opposite. She's a night owl like her dad.

This means I have to enjoy sunrises like the one from two days ago by myself. It's amazing to have a clear view to the east.

When I woke up the morning of December 11th, I could tell it was going to be an epic sunrise. All I had to do was look at the stars, the brightening sky to the east, and the wispy clouds. I wasn't disappointed with Mother Nature's light show. Magenta is such a good look, wouldn't you agree?

You're looking to the southeast across Lake Winnisquam here in central New Hampshire. Those double humps to the left are Gunstock and Belknap Mountains respectively.
sunrise loch winnisquam
CLICK or TAP HERE to see a high-resolution copy of the above photo.

CLICK or TAP HERE to watch a video of this sunrise I shot a few minutes after letting that eye candy soak in. You'll enjoy the quiet, trust me.

Janelle’s Wisdom

A week ago, Janelle hired me to do a phone autopsy of her new deck project. We talked for an hour because there were quite a few problems.

She was on par to get a deck somewhat similar to this one.


It turns out the workers who were building her new deck were not great, not terrible.

They reminded me of that short scene in the TV series Chernobyl. CLICK or TAP HERE to grasp my assessment of their skills.

Janelle was wise, in my opinion, for a number of reasons:

  • She hired me the moment she saw a problem.
  • She asked some great questions.
  • She held back 50% of the money owed the contractor, giving her plenty of leverage to get the mistakes fixed.
  • She used the information I emailed her to get the corrections made, causing no conflict with the deck company.

After the call, I put together a list of photos, columns, products, etc. that showed how the mistakes could be repaired with a minimum of time and expense.

Janelle got off LUCKY. Why?

I’ve had to tell other homeowners that their new decks must come down and they have to start over. Fortunately, Janelle’s situation just required one man and a helper working for about six hours to correct the mistakes.

CLICK or TAP HERE NOW to schedule a call with me BEFORE you start your next big project to make sure all goes well.

Monica’s Greasy Kitchen Rainstorm

Look at this:
kitchen stove vent hood

Tell me something.

Do you think you know EXACTLY how to operate a simple kitchen exhaust fan? Monica thought she did.

I'm willing to bet that you could be in the 68.94% of homeowners that don't know how to operate a range hood the right way.

CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you are indeed a master of all things ventilation or if you're one of the 68.94!

If you discover something new in this column, please let me know.

Dead Tree Gift Idea

I know this sounds crazy, but here’s a gift you might need to give yourself this Christmas. This is a book made from dead trees.

Yes, marvel at that - a real book made from paper, not electrons. Well, if you’re a chemistry major and not philosophy, you’ll know there are electrons in the paper and ink, but let’s not split hairs.
cover of dictionary

Why go old school and buy a book? Here’s the issue. It seems that it doesn’t take much effort to change the DEFINITION of words in online dictionaries! It's happening and it's not a good thing!

Once you have a hard-copy dictionary, you’ll know the true meaning of words, not the meanings that fit the current narrative on any topic.

Protect yourself - get a hard copy. Buy a book. CLICK or TAP HERE now to get this one.

Northern and Southern Lights

I’m a ham radio operator and when the sun gets agitated, I get happy. The solar storms are very helpful for radio-wave propagation. You can make contact with other operators all across the earth ball when the sun is burping out gas.
aurora borealis forecast image

These storms also create the aurora borealis and the aurora australis.

Here’s a handy website you might bookmark so you can get fast alerts should the eye candy be visible overhead in your neck of the woods.

It’s on my bucket list to see this magic in person. There are mystical resorts in Scandinavia where you can lie on your back in glass-roofed yurts or cabins to see the light show in the sky above.

Cleaning Tile Floors - READ THIS

Tom wanted to do a little loving on Stain Solver. Read his short story. After reading, you really need to order some.

Stain Solver black background yellow scoop


I wanted to thank you for your quick response on using Stain Solver on a linoleum floor. My brother and sister-in-law recently moved into a new home which has a linoleum floor in one room that is in great shape but just doesn't look clean. He had planned to get a steamer to try and clean the floor. I asked him to wait until I checked with you to see if Stain Solver would be good for his linoleum floor. I think his floor will look great once cleaned with Stain Solver.

My wife and I have been using Stain Solver on our tile floors for over a year. Our floors are 30 years old and thanks to Stain Solver they look almost as good as when we installed them. The best comment we received on the floors came last month from a tile guy who was working on our bathroom shower tiles. He kept looking down at our floor tiles and finally asked when we’d had the new floor installed.

When I told him the bathroom floor, along with the other tile floors in our home, was 30 years old, he couldn't believe it. He went around to each room and said that he very rarely sees tile floors and grout lines in such good shape and coloring even after 10 years. We told him prior to using Stain Solver they didn't look that good. Thanks for making such a good product available to all of us.”

You’re welcome, Tom! My pleasure! Soon we’ll have 1 to 2-day delivery of Stain Solver available to 85% of our customer base!

That’s enough for a Sunday, right?

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
CLEAN TILE - www.StainSolver.com
BURP AWAY Mr. Sun! www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over - Silly!

P.S. Do you know how to play hide and seek with plumbing pipes? It’s not hard! CLICK or TAP HERE to discover how I do it.

The post December 13, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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