Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September 5, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I see you standing in the group with Lindsay, Robert, Barbara, Marcia, Mike, and a scad of others. This is your first issue and I welcome you!

This issue, however, might be your 378th one! I've published nearly 1000 newsletters and who knows, you may be one of my first subscribers!

Do you remember the column I did about using the correct gray-colored paint primer? It's pretty interesting when you think about black and white photographs! CLICK or TAP HERE and allow some extra knowledge to seep into your tiny gray cells.

Covid Survivors

This is the first newsletter since the middle of August. You may have noticed no issues were sent out the past two weekends. I contracted the illness, as did Kathy my wife, on or about August 8th. I survived because of the grace of God and the tender care and love I received from Kathy. I know that she alone, with some help from my youngest daughter, ensured my survival.

In the first ten days of the illness, Kathy watched over me like a hawk always looking to see what direction I was headed on an hour-by-hour basis.

She was only slightly ill for 36 hours and nowhere to the extent I was sick. This is why she was able to care for me like a private nurse.

If you want to know all the details of what happened including how we zeroed in on when we were infected, the medications I was taking, and other things, CLICK or TAP HERE.

Roots in Sewer Lines

Look at this simple drawing I made:

tree roots sewer line sketch

While I was recovering from the virus, I received an email from a man who used my method of dealing with tree roots in a sewer line.

He told me my method saved him $10,000. Of course it will!

CLICK or TAP HERE to discover how simple it is to ensure tree roots don't enter your sewer line.

Cincinnati and Chicago Meetups

All good things must come to an end. It's quite possible I'm about to do the last two meetups of my AsktheBuilder career. You may have in interest in attending one.

What happens at a meetup? It's a fun party-like atmosphere. Most of the time the attendees ask all sorts of questions about all the inner workings of what happens behind the magic curtain of Ask the Builder. The conversation is wide-ranging and I'm always very interested in you and your story. Everyone has a story and they are wonderful to hear at a meetup.

The bottom line is an AsktheBuilder.com Meetup is fun!

I'm going to be in Cincinnati the first week of October for my 51st high school reunion. Our 50th was cancelled last year by the governor of Ohio.

If you want to do a meetup while I'm in town, I can carve out the time. It would happen in northern KY at the offices of Bold Homes. The president, Mike Kegley, has graciously offered to host the meetup.

But you MUST REPLY NOW so I know how many might come. The cutoff to keep the event at Mike's offices is eight people. If more than eight people show an interest, we'll move to another location.

The meetup would be in the afternoon for sure. Once enough people RSVP, then I'll figure out the exact date and time.

As for Chicago, another friend has offered up his house for a meetup. He lives in Palatine. He can host about the same number of people. If enough people express an interest, THEN I'll add an extra two days and drive to Chicago from Cincinnati on October 10th or so.

You know what to do. REPLY NOW with all your contact information if you want to get together in either of the two cities. If many decide to attend, then we'll work together on Plan B as to locating a quiet place in each city that can handle the overflow crowd.

Hurricane Ida Takeaways

Hurricanes are big storms and can make for big news. Ida put a few heads on a swivel this past week, especially in the Northeast where it caught many by surprise.

Here are some facts about hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and other natural disasters including widespread civil disorder:

1. Your home and the possessions within your home are the LEAST important asset in your community. This means when a disaster strikes don't count on first responders SHOWING UP at your home.

Why? There might be 1000X homeowners like you needing help for every first responder! What's more, the first responders already have a list of the most valuable community assets. They preserve those first. Guess what? You and your home are at the BOTTOM OF THE LIST. Don't believe me? Ask your fire chief.

2. You may not find someone to do repairs for months. It's the same problem. High-quality contractors will be overwhelmed. You need to meet with neighbors and friends and come up with a plan. Who has what skills? Who has what tools? Figure out how you can work together as a team to do the basic repairs to protect your homes until months later when a contractor can show up.

3. Pre-buy materials. The time to buy that giant blue tarp for your roof is NOT the day after the hurricane. Think ahead. Purchase and store whatever materials and tools you need to SURVIVE until such time as you can get the proper repair work complete.

That's quite enough for my first Sunday back.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Best Cleaner Ever - www.StainSolver.com
Morse - Original Digital - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. What do you think you know about making repairs to concrete block or stucco? CLICK or TAP HERE and let me know if you discovered something new. WATCH ALL THREE videos at the bottom of the page.

The post September 5, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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